Wolfgang Bubi Heilemann
wuchs in Hannover auf. Parallel zu seiner Foto-Kaufmannslehre besuchte er die Fotoschule. Schon früh begann er - wenn sich eine Gelegenheit ergab - Musiker zu fotografieren.
1964 zog Heilemann nach München und war von 1966 bis 1982 BRAVO-Fotoreporter und wurde "Das Auge von Bravo". Als einer der gefragtesten deutschen Starfotografen der 60er, 70er Jahre hat Wolfgang Heilemann nahezu alle großen Stars dieser Zeit vor der Linse gehabt. Abba, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Beatles, Bowie, Bee Gees, Chuck Berry, Cliff Richard, Deep Purple, Doors, Donna Summer, Dylan, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Hollies, Jim Morrison, Kinks, Nina Hagen, Stones, Bob Marley, Freddie Mercury & Queen, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rod Stewart, Roxy Music, Police, Joe Cocker, Kiss, Sweet, Bay City Rollers, Cat Stevens, Sex Pistols, Slade, T.Rex, Udo Lindenberg, Wings, Who und viele mehr.
Weitere Stationen von Heilemann:
von 1980 bis 1983 stellvertretender Chefredakteur BRAVO
Moderator bei Radio Luxenburg
Programmchef von BAUER TV (BRAVO TV) bei SAT 1
Herausgeber der Zeitschrift POP ROCKY
Regie beim ARD Music-TV-Format "Formel Eins"
Er hat mehrere Bildbände herausgebracht und Fotos von Heilemann werden häufig ausgestellt (Beispiel: National Portrait Gallery, "Beatles to Bowie" London 2009-2010).
Wolfgang Bubi Heilemann
As Wolfgang Heilemann´s father ran a photo shop, he was inevitably exposed to the world of photography from a very early age. Aged eight, he was given a “BOY BOX” and from then on, his life revolved around celluloid.
Still a young boy, Heilemann became hooked to music, inparticlular Rock n roll.
However, at that point in time you couldn’t hear Rock n roll on the radio and he didn’t have (quite) enough money to buy his own records. So he used to go and sit for hours at the counter in the best record shop in Hanover and listen to all the latest hits from Elvis, Chuck Berry and Little Richard.
“ Well Bubi (laddy), what do you want to hear today? ”Fraulein Tolle” used to ask her youngest customer. I doubt if she ever knew what a strong influence she had on little Wolfgang’s life…
He owes his nickname to her (that he’s known by even today) and his love for music, that later became the most important thing in his life.
Now and then, and just for her, he managed to “organise” four German Marks so that he could actually buy a record from time to time.
Wolfgang Heilemann was born in Zielkeim/East-Prussia, Germany. After the war, his family moved to Hanover where his father became the manager of a photo shop. Heilemann did an apprenticeship in the shop and went on to study photography. However, his love for music was stronger and he started managing beat bands, putting on concerts and organising tours.
In 1965 he moved to Munich and became the editor of Rolf Kaukas´s new newspaper aimed at young people “ Lupo Modern”.
However, his photographic talent was unsuppressable and eventually he swapped the pen for the camera .He became a photographer for O. K. magazine and after they were taken over, he moved onto the teeny magazine BRAVO.
Heilemann got his first big break when he covered for a sick colleague on a photo trip to London where through coincidence he got the chance to photograph Jimi Hendrix, Cream, the Easybeats and the Bee Gees.
That opened the gates for him and as a photographer for BRAVO, he took pictures of all the big and little stars of the Pop world. The Beatles, the Rolling stones and ABBA were however Heilemanns favourites to work with .
His photos were seen all over the world and subsequently used extensively on record covers and posters .
In 1980 he was made deputy chief editor of BRAVO magazine and once again, set his camera aside .He let his talent for organisation and management take a main role and this set him off on a new career tangent.
In 1983 he became head of programming at “BAUER TV” xwithin the TV station “SAT 1”. He developed programmes aimed at young people and designed and introduced BRAVO TV, which to this day, is a very popular show with the kids.
In 1985, the publishing company Bauer Verlag withdrew from the television business and Heilemann moved onto the huge television and film company BAVARIA FILM (famous for films like “the Boat“ and “the never ending story”) where he worked as an author, director and producer. He was responsible for various programmes designed for young people including the legendary “FORMEL 1“. When this show was eventually taken off the air, Heilemann retreated from the world of television and went back to his old love, music and became a “karaoke specialist“. He opened a thriving shop in Munich also offering a mail-order service (www.karaoke.de), and is proud to celebrate its 25-year anniversary.